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Once you have read this write up, many of you will accuse me of being anti-women's liberation... the 'bra burning feminists' may want to burn me down... and the 'color me crazy' generation-now will call me old-fashioned. I read an article in a leading national daily about the growing ease of Indian women towards the concept of pre-marital sex. It said that women today have a very 'Nike' attitude towards sex... i.e. Just Do It... So the 'bharatiya nari'... the aparajita ... the abla of yester- years has suddenly come-off the age and become "easily beddable". Virginity is that infection by birth that girls want to get rid off just as soon as they can! They are out to have fun and FUN they will have at any cost.Sita is a stale concept. For her female counterparts today, she was a good for nothing weak, submissive woman who had no individuality. Now what I fail to understand is how having multiple sex partners and one night stands help one gain individuality and a bold character?? As far as my socio- cultural understanding goes, such acts leave u characterless. I will not attribute this conclusion to epics and grandmas alone. Many psychological surveys have also concluded the same. This recent trend among women is reflective of growing insecurity, inferiority complexes and peer pressure. If these are by any means parameters to judge a woman's independence and confidence, well then the stoic image of the successful modern Indian woman couldn't have been a bigger farce. And I say so because until a few decades back women were subject to only one man... but today premarital sex, one night stands and multiple sex partners have, I dare say, increased the dependency of women on so many more men!! Young boys and girls are not friends anymore but love birds. 'P' for 'parrot' is long gone, its only 'P' for 'pornography' that we now identify with! The SMS revolution generously contributes to the unadulterated and unlimited supply of sleazy, pornographic supply of the so-called non-veg jokes. A 16-year-old schoolgirl is caught on a SMS sex clip. All this sometimes compels me to think whether early marriages were a better option as compared to today's nomadic animal like existence!A philosopher once said, "behind every successful man there's a woman" and I believe it to be just as truer vice versa. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that behind every unsuccessful woman there are many men...Thanks for ibnlive.com